Feather Coaching
The Blue Feather Story
Back in 2016 I was unexpectedly made redundant ... which was a bit of a shock to the system! I'd often secretly thought how great it would be to get redundancy - to be put on garden leave over the summer, spend more time with the children - but when it actually happened it left me feeling lost. What would I do next? What did I actually WANT to do? Could I change career? Would I be a success? So many unknowns!
Talking to a friend, they joked that perhaps my thoughts had brought this situation on. They introduced me to the principles of the "Law of Attraction" and that what we think about, we bring about. Whilst I wasn't convinced I'd lost my job just by thinking about it, I was intrigued by this concept and wanted to know more, so I ordered a book and started reading.
The author shared his story, explaining how he had manifested a life beyond his dreams just by focusing on what he wanted. He talked about how he had started small by manifesting a blue feather, so I thought I'd give it a go and see if this whole thing really worked.
So I set my mind on finding a blue feather. I thought about it. I pictured it.
Days went by and nothing happened. I kept looking around expectantly for my blue feather, but nothing came. I started to give up hope.... what a load of rubbish this was...
I went out into the garden for a bit of quiet time and to my amazement, there it was. Sitting clearly in the middle of the lawn - a beautiful, iridescent, blue feather. This was the message I needed that it was all going to be ok; that whatever venture I went on to do would work out for me; that I was in control!
Shortly after that I sent up my own business and called it Blue Feather Consulting. I now provide coaching services, and have kept the blue feather name - a fitting recognition that with a clear goal and the right focus you can bring what you want into your life!